We don’t just buy your house and say good bye like others do. Instead we provide no cost extra pieces necessary to transform your life into a brighter future.

  • Tax experts save you tens of thousands
  • Eliminate the hassle of moving.
  • Let’s find a new place together.

At The JP Solution, we provide a holistic foreclosure solution to take care of your sale and your move.

Consult with highly experienced tax and legal professionals to properly structure the sale of your house and eliminate post closing surprises. Rest assured that when it’s done.. it is over and nothing unforeseen is going to come back to haunt you. Yes, it happens that when people sell a home there could be legal and tax ramifications that, if not properly addressed PRIOR to closing, can cost the seller thousands, or tens of thousands. We will put all the resources necessary at your disposal so that does not happen to you.

When the sale closes, you won’t have to worry about the hassle of moving. We will take care of making sure you have a new place to live, AND move all your belongings using professional, high quality movers.

We understand foreclosure is a challenging and complicated legal process, along with other circumstance of life that caused you to get here, it all can become overwhelming. We want to help you through this process so you can move on and put this behind you. Call us today, let’s meet and draft a plan that puts you in a much better position.

Call (888) 674-3822 or click below