Protect your interest during foreclosure. Don’t make the mistake of procrastinating.
When you default on your mortgage or note, the lender (Bank or otherwise) has legal recourse they can begin to use immediately to protect THEIR interest. Defaulting on a note or mortgage is not limited to falling behind on your payments, there are several promises or obligations that borrowers agree to fulfill as a course of having a home loan.
If you have defaulted on your mortgage or note, it is imperative that you inform yourself and start to protect YOUR interest. If you find yourself already with a Notice of Default or other legal notification that the lender has initiated foreclosure, time is of the essence. Attorneys are expensive and the average Real Estate agent is by law prohibited from giving you legal advise.
We can help. I have been dealing with foreclosures, including my very own, for over twenty years. I am legally trained and have seen just about any tactic used by banks and worse, unscrupulous private lenders and purchasers of notes, to foreclose on people’s homes. When you work with me you will :
- Have access to multiple methods of stopping foreclosure.
- Let us do all the annoying work of stopping the foreclosure.
- Deal with verified, trained and licensed professionals.
Get in touch with us today.